Body Fat Calculator

Understanding Body Fat

Body fat, also known as adipose tissue, is a type of loose connective tissue that stores energy in the form of fat. It plays a crucial role in the human body by providing insulation, protecting internal organs, regulating body temperature, and serving as a reserve of energy. Body fat consists of both essential fat and storage fat. Essential fat is necessary for physiological functions, while storage fat can accumulate in excess and lead to health issues. Maintaining an optimal body fat percentage is important for overall health and well-being, as it can impact metabolism, hormone balance, and cardiovascular health.

Our Comprehensive Body Fat Tool

Body fat is an essential component of the human body, serving various functions beyond just energy storage. On our site, we provide a comprehensive tool to help you understand your body fat percentage, which is a key indicator of your overall health and fitness level. Our calculations are based on the following methods:

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculation

BMI = Weight (in kilograms) ÷ (Height × Height) (in meters).

Body Fat Percentage Calculation

For Men: Body Fat % = 1.2 × BMI + 0.23 × Age - 16.2

For Women: Body Fat % = 1.2 × BMI + 0.23 × Age - 5.4

These formulas take into account your BMI and age to estimate your body fat percentage, providing you with a more detailed understanding of your body composition. By using our tool, you can gain insights into whether your body fat levels are within a healthy range and take appropriate steps to maintain or improve your health.